Narrative Essay
(900-1,500 words)
1st Rough Draft due:
Peer Review:
Essay #1 due:
Write an essay about a significant event.  Choose an event that will be engaging for readers.  Tell your story dramatically and vividly, giving a clear indication of its significance.  Use description, dialogue, and setting as tools to engage your readers.

Although the event that you describe does not need to be something that you experienced directly (you are free to use your wild imaginations so long as you stay within the bounds of "story truth"), you should write this story assuming the first person perspective.  In other words, you will be claiming the role of narrator and you will be placing yourself in this event.  Whether or not this event was something that you participated in or not, you must explicitly tell the reader the significance this event has had on the narrator's life.

On the other hand, many writers find that reflecting on their own lives gives them something to write about.  Think about significant events that you have witnessed or participated in.  This is a good place to start.  If you feel limited by your own experiences, use your imagination to develop a significant event.

You will need to do the following:

  1. Choose an event
  2. Describe the scene
  3. Recall key people
  4. Sketch the story
  5. Test your choice: Talk with other students about it.  Ask others if they want to read your story?  Does it sound like an engaging story?
  6. Reflect on the events significance
See Common Problems with the event essay

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Last Updated 8-01-02